Jamaican immigration to Toronto, Canada dates back to the 1950s and 1960s, when Jamaica was part of the British Commonwealth and Jamaicans were given the opportunity to immigrate to other Commonwealth countries, including Canada. Over the years, Toronto has become home to one of the largest Jamaican communities in Canada, and has played a significant role in shaping the city's cultural and social fabric.

However, despite their strong presence and contributions to the city, Jamaican immigrants and their descendants have faced numerous challenges, including poverty, discrimination, and limited access to resources and opportunities. This has led to a persistent income gap and limited access to affordable housing, land, and other resources necessary for community development.

Recognizing these challenges, BUTO was established as a community-led initiative aimed at promoting and advancing Black urbanism in Toronto, with a focus on empowering the Jamaican community. Through advocacy, education, and action, BUTO is working to address the systemic barriers that have prevented the Jamaican community from accessing land and other resources, and to promote equitable and inclusive urban development in Toronto.

One of the key initiatives led by BUTO is its land acquisition program, which aims to secure and preserve land in Toronto for the benefit of the Jamaican community. This program is aimed at addressing the lack of affordable housing and the limited access to land for community development, and is helping to build a stronger and more resilient Jamaican community in Toronto.

In conclusion, Jamaican immigration to Toronto has had a significant impact on the city, and the initiatives led by BUTO are helping to address the challenges faced by the Jamaican community and promote equity and inclusion in urban development. Through its land acquisition program and other initiatives, BUTO is helping to build strong roots for the Jamaican community in Toronto and ensure that they have access to the resources they need to thrive.



  • 1950s and 1960s: Jamaican immigration to Canada began during this period, when Jamaica was part of the British Commonwealth and Jamaicans were given the opportunity to immigrate to other Commonwealth countries, including Canada.
  • 1968: Canada changes its immigration laws to restrict immigration from the Caribbean and other non-European countries. This resulted in a decrease in the number of Jamaican immigrants to Canada.
  • 1976: Canada changes its immigration laws again, this time to allow more immigration from non-European countries, including Jamaica.
  • 1980s: The number of Jamaican immigrants to Canada begins to increase again, and the Jamaican community in Toronto begins to grow and thrive.
  • 1990s: Jamaican immigration to Canada continues to increase, and the Jamaican community in Toronto continues to grow and establish itself as an important part of the city's cultural and social fabric.
  • 2000s: The Jamaican community in Toronto continues to grow and expand, and Jamaican immigrants and their descendants continue to make significant contributions to the city.
  • Today: The Jamaican community in Toronto remains one of the largest and most vibrant in Canada, and continues to play a significant role in shaping the city's cultural and social fabric. Jamaican immigrants and their descendants continue to face challenges, including poverty, discrimination, and limited access to resources and opportunities, but are working to address these challenges through community-led initiatives such as BUTO.

Building Solidarity for the African Diaspora in Toronto: Empowering Little Jamaica

The African diaspora in Toronto faces unique challenges due to systemic racism and discrimination. However, through solidarity and community building, they have been able to overcome these challenges and create vibrant cultural spaces that celebrate their heritage. One of these spaces is Little Jamaica, a neighborhood in Toronto that has become a hub for the Jamaican community and a symbol of resistance and resilience.

Little Jamaica is a vibrant neighborhood in Toronto that has a rich cultural history. It is home to many Jamaican immigrants and their descendants, who have created a thriving community that celebrates their cultural heritage. From Caribbean restaurants and shops to reggae music and art, Little Jamaica is a place where the Jamaican community can come together and express their identity and values.

Despite the cultural richness of Little Jamaica, the neighborhood has faced significant challenges over the years. The construction of a new subway line threatened to displace many small businesses and disrupt the community. However, through community organizing and activism, the Jamaican community was able to push back against the development and protect their cultural space. This solidarity and activism demonstrate the power of community building and the importance of preserving cultural heritage.

In conclusion, the African diaspora in Toronto faces many challenges, but through solidarity and community building, they have been able to create vibrant cultural spaces that celebrate their heritage. Little Jamaica is a powerful example of this, a neighborhood that has become a symbol of resistance and resilience in the face of discrimination and displacement. As we continue to build solidarity and support for the African diaspora, we must prioritize the preservation of cultural spaces like Little Jamaica, recognizing their importance in creating a more inclusive and equitable society.

Jamaican Immigration to Canada: A Rich History of Diversity and Resilience

Jamaican immigration to Canada has a rich history dating back to the 1940s. The first Jamaicans to arrive in Canada were mostly men who came to work on sugar plantations in southwestern Ontario. Many of these early immigrants faced racial discrimination and prejudice, but they persevered and laid the foundation for future Jamaican immigrants to Canada.

In the 1960s, a wave of Jamaican immigration to Canada began, with many Jamaicans coming to seek better economic opportunities and education. Toronto became a hub for Jamaican immigration, with many Jamaicans settling in neighborhoods such as Regent Park and Jane-Finch. Jamaican immigrants faced challenges such as racism, unemployment, and housing discrimination, but they built strong communities and worked hard to achieve success in their new home.

Jamaican immigrants have made significant contributions to Canada, including in the areas of business, politics, and the arts. Notable Jamaican-Canadians include Michael Lee-Chin, a successful businessman and philanthropist, and Lincoln Alexander, the first Black Canadian Member of Parliament and federal Cabinet Minister. Jamaican-Canadian authors such as Austin Clarke and Nalo Hopkinson have also made significant contributions to Canadian literature.

Today, Jamaican-Canadians continue to make important contributions to Canadian society and culture, enriching Canada with their diversity and resilience. Jamaican immigration to Canada is a testament to the power of human migration and the resilience of those who seek a better life for themselves and their families.

Jamaican Contributions: Enriching Canadian Culture through Music, Food, and Sports

Jamaicans have made significant contributions to Canadian culture, particularly in the areas of music, food, and sports. Jamaican music, in particular, has had a profound impact on Canadian culture, with reggae and dancehall becoming popular genres in the country. Jamaican-Canadian musicians, such as Kardinal Offishall and Snow, have also made significant contributions to the Canadian music industry.

Jamaican food has also become an important part of Canadian cuisine, with dishes such as jerk chicken and beef patties gaining popularity. Jamaican restaurants and food trucks are now a common sight in many Canadian cities, and Jamaican cuisine has become a beloved part of Canadian culinary culture.

Jamaican athletes have also had a significant impact on Canadian sports, with Canadian-born Jamaican athletes, such as sprinter Donovan Bailey and bobsledder Lascelles Brown, representing Canada on the world stage. Jamaican-Canadian athletes have also made contributions to sports outside of track and field, with former NHL player Graeme Townshend being the first Jamaican-born hockey player to play in the NHL. Overall, Jamaican contributions have added to the cultural diversity of Canada, enriching Canadian culture in a myriad of ways.

Little Jamaica

Little Jamaica

by Ingrid Barrett

Eglinton West district in Toronto is also known as “Little Jamaica.” Its 

beginning traces to 1958, when a number of immigrants from the Caribbean, the largest percentage of them being Jamaicans, settled in Eglinton West.

The 1970s and 80s brought a larger wave of Caribbean people to Toronto, which created a thriving and vibrant community of today. Jamaicans imported their culture, particularly reggae music. In fact, Little Jamaica is the second largest hub for reggae music after Kingston, Jamaica. They opened music shops, labels, studios, nightclubs, barbers, beauty salons, restaurants, grocers and tailors.

Well known businesses in the area are Monica’s Beauty Salon and Cosmetic Supplies, Randy’s Take Out, where they also sell their legendary Jamaican patties, Rap’s Jamaican Restaurant and Spences Bakery. The area has not only been a business and residential district, but a vibrant cultural hub. In the summer months, you can purchase items from sidewalk vendors, fresh coconut water, mangos, Jerk Chicken and other favourite Caribbean food and beverages.

In 2015, a large mural was created to celebrate Jamaican contribution to the community and a Heritage Toronto Plaque is now located in the designated reggae laneway. The area spans from Marlee Avenue to Keele Street with the main strip being from Marlee Avenue to Dufferin Street. Toronto’s Caribbean residents frequent the area to get that “back home” feeling and hospitality.

Many business owners, residents and local artists are concerned that this heritage will disappear due to the gentrification of the area. The area is easily accessible by the Allen Expressway and the Eglinton West subway station. Crosstown light rail is under construction in the area, so the road traffic is very heavy. The good news is that its a short walk from the Eglinton West subway station. 
Note: Rapid transit is very popular in Toronto.